Why Caterers use Cookaborough

Your regular offering direct to individual customers, run efficiently in the back end, builds something predictable and sustainable.

Predictable, consistent

The small (clever) batch method has you fulfilling pre-orders once a week, every week, direct to signed-up customers.

Optimise kitchen use

Get your kitchen and your staff busy in catering down times, fulfilling pre-determined weekly orders.

Creative outlet

Enjoy the freedom to curate a fresh menu every week, and share the ‘why’ directly with your customers.

New customers

Use your networking to market your new offering to new individual customers and grow your catering database.


Put your method to work

Already familiar with cooking by batch, you can now super power your systems through the platform to operate a clever, direct to customer, curated menu cycle.

Capitalise on consumer demand for new solutions to the eternal dinner dilemma, while building your individual customer database and smoothing out the bumps of a regular catering business.

Case Study: CHEF

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